klima Gemischte Motoren A, B, C im Team Pack
  • klima Gemischte Motoren A, B, C im Team Pack

Klima A6-4, B4-4, C6-5 (30 PIECES)

Klima A6-4, B4-4, C6-5 (30 PIECES)
Mixed motors A, B, C in the Team Pack (30 motors with electric detonators)
A6-4 10x, 10x and 10x B4-4 C6-5
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Technical specifications:
Length: 70 mm
Diameter: 18 mm
Type / model: A6-4 B4-4 C6-5
overall impulse / impulses Total: about 2.5 about 5.0 Ns Ns about 10 Ns
push / Thrust: ca. 6 N 4 N approximately about 6 N
engine operating time / Burning period: approximately 0.6 s 1.2 s 1.6 s
delay / delay: 4 s 4 s 5 s ca.
1 Item